A continuación algunas de las últimas noticias y artículos publicados por el EUROPEAN COMPOST NETWORK ,ECN E-BULLETIN NO.1_2024, el boletín correspondiente al mes de enero de  2024.

ECN E-BULLETIN NO. 1_January_2024


* EU Ministers for environment reach general approach on the packaging and packaging waste law– EU Council_PPWR

* Best Available Techniques BAT Conclusions for Slaughterhouses, Animal by-products and/or edible co-products Industries published– EIPPCB_BAT Conclusions on Slaughterhouses and Animal By-products

* Evaluation of the 8th Environment Action Programme- EU Commission_Public consultation deadline 26/01/2024

* Phosphorus cycle in European agricultural soils– News from JRC European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC)

* ECN attends KUKOM project meeting near Hannover– Project on improving compost quality


News for ECN Members

* GKRS and AWN from Baden-Württemberg join ECN


* A Regenerative Future – bridging the gap between theory and practice– Northern Roots Forum_Tallinn (Estonia)_24-25 January 2024

* The ECESP Annual Conference 2024: Circular Economy – from Visions to Actions- Save the date

* COMPOST… Nature’s Climate Champion!– ICAW 2024_05-11 May 2024


Todas las noticias en la sección NEWS 

También se pueden consultar los diferentes Boletines mensuales con lo más destacado en cuanto al compostaje, tratamientos biológicos, etc., en su E-bulletin: https://www.compostnetwork.info/news/e-bulletin/