Fuente: ISWA – https://www.iswa.org/
Agamuthu Pariatamby (WM&R Senior Editor-in-chief) y James Law (Chair del ISWA Task Force on Closing Dumpsites y Chair del ISWA Working Group Landfill) lanzan esta importante pregunta en la Edición de Octubre de Waste Management & Research
Do We Need Landfills? – ¿Necesitamos vertederos?
«Global solid waste generation is postulated to increase from 2.01 billion metric tonnes (Mt) in 2016 to 2.59 billion Mt tin 2030 and to a high 3.4 billion Mt in 2050 (Kaza et al., 2018). Almost 50% of this waste is food waste, especially in developing countries.
However, if one looks at the waste management options, only 8% of the total waste is disposed of into sanitary landfills (without gas collection), while 33% is still disposed of into dumpsites. Controlled landfill (LF) is only 4% and this is mostly in developed nations. Incineration (11%), recycling (14%) and biological treatment (5%) account for 30% of the total waste generated, which indicates that 70% of waste is still being landfilled in one way or other.»
El artículo completo se puede leer aquí
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