A continuación algunas de las últimas noticias y artículos publicados por el EUROPEAN COMPOST NETWORK ,ECN E-BULLETIN NO.2_2024, el boletín correspondiente al mes de febrero de  2024.

ECN E-BULLETIN NO. 2_February_2024


* Report reveals barriers in EU bio-waste management– LIFE BIOBEST project_Policy Brief

* Go for separate collection and recycling of bio-waste – NOW!– EUROSTAT_Municipal waste 2022

* ECN attends KUKOM project on improving compost quality meeting near Hannover– DBU Project KUKOM_Germany

* Lawmakers reach a deal on voluntary certification scheme for carbon removalsLawmakers reach a deal on voluntary certification scheme for carbon removals– Trilogues_Carbon Removals Certification Framework

* 4th Expert Group meeting to tackle carbon farming and certification framework – European Commission_Expert Group on Carbon Removals

* EU Executive publishes its recommendations for a 2040 EU climate target, drops agriculture targets – European Commission_2040 Climate Target

* ENVI Committee proposes more ambitious food waste reduction targets– European Parliament_Food Waste

* AGRI Committee slashes sustainable soil management provisions, undermines Soil Law ambitions – European Parliament_Soil Monitoring Law

* Meeting EU environment policy targets by 2030 will be challenging– European Environment Agency_EU 8th EAP

* EU law makers strike a deal for more efficient treatment and monitoring of sewage waters – Trilogues_Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive

* The Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy (KCB) opens up its Community of Practice – European Commission_Bioeconomy

* Presentations and recordings of the 3rd EUSO Stakeholder forum– News from European Soil Data Centre_Newsletter No. 161


News Events

* ECNs Annual Meeting-April 18

* Fachverband Biogas – 27-29 February,Bremen (DE)

* European Carbon Farming Summit– 5-7 March, Valencia (Spain)

* Life BioBest consortium organises workshop on bio-waste management!– 13-14 March, Lyon (France)

* The ECESP Annual Conference 2024: Circular Economy – from Visions to Actions- Save the date– 15-16 April, Brussels (Belgium)

* COMPOST… Nature’s Climate Champion!- ICAW 2024 – 05-11 May 2024

ECN/CIC Initiative
S.O.S Save Organics in Soil
It is time to act now!

Don’t miss the chance to sign the manifesto on ‘Save Organics in Soil’:


Todas las noticias en la sección NEWS 

También se pueden consultar los diferentes Boletines mensuales con lo más destacado en cuanto al compostaje, tratamientos biológicos, etc., en su E-bulletin: https://www.compostnetwork.info/news/e-bulletin/