A continuación algunas de las últimas noticias y artículos publicados por el  EUROPEAN COMPOST NETWORK en el segundo boletín del año, ECN E-BULLETIN NO. 5_2022, correspondiente al mes de abril 2022.


*  EU Taxonomie: Recommendations on technical screening criteria for composting and AD included– Platform on Sustainable Finance I Final report I 30 March 2022

*  The European Economic and Social Committee published its opinion on the new Soil Health Law – EESC I Soil Health Law I 23 March 2022

*  Commission adopted legislative proposals for the revision of the Industry Emission Directive – EU Commission I Revision of IED and E-PRTR I 5 April 2021

*  ECN is looking for a Policy Officer for Environmental and Agricultural Affairs– ECN Job Vacancy I Deadline for application: 29 April 2022


EU Public Consultations

*  Nutrient Management Plan – Deadline 26 April 2022 

* Certification of Carbon Removals – Deadline 2 May 2022

* Food Waste Reduction Targets – Deadline 6 June 2022


News from International Partner Associations

*  Recruit Soil to Tackle Climate Change, declare Canada’s Soil Conservation and Compost Councils– Canada’s Soil Conservation and Compost Council of Canada I Soil report – 05 April 2022

*  Canada’s Emissions Reduction Plan confirms commitment to peatlands– The Compost Council of Canada




  • *  Sustainable Transformation towards a resource-efficient and climate-neutral Europe by 2050– EU Green Week I 30 May – 5 June 2022
  • *  Get involved in the EU Mission: A Soil Deal for Europe– EIP-AGRI – 8-9 June 2022
  • *  Workshop on “Soil erosion for Europe – Emerging challenges”– European Soil Observatory – 20-22 June 2022*  ECN’s 20th Anniversary and Policy Event on Healthy Soils for Healthy Life– Save the date: 29-30 June in Brussels

    *  Soils for Nutrition Symposium: Call for abstracts– Global Soil Partnership – 26-29 July 2022 I 12:00-15:00 CEST I Virtual

*S.O.S Save Organics in Soil – Sign the manifesto ‘Save Organigs in Soil’ here



Todas las noticias en la sección NEWS 

También se pueden consultar los diferentes Boletines mensuales con lo más destacado en cuanto al compostaje, tratamientos biológicos, etc., en su E-bulletin: https://www.compostnetwork.info/news/e-bulletin/