Barriers to Sustainable Resource Management

Everybody talks about the circular economy. So does ISWA. In 2015, ISWA published six reports and presented nine key messages on circular economy and resource management. But what does it really take to make the production and consumption patterns of today more circular in practice?

One thing is for sure – all actors throughout the value chain have to work together to create change. Therefore, we gathered a group of manufacturers, designers and waste managers around two specific and tangible cases: jeans and plastic packaging – for cheese that is.

 This booklet presents the recommendations and commitments resulting from of the jeans case. Another booklet presents the same for the plastic packaging case.

The Two Reports:

Circular Economy & Jeans: 5 Recommendations
Circular Economy & Plastic Packaging: 5 Recommendations

Video: Barriers to a Circular Economy

Video_Barriers to a Circular Economy 2017